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What is the Chemical Element Analysis Instrument?

What is the principle of the chemical element analysis instrument?
Chemical analysis instrument is mainly used for in-site measurement of elements in metal materials in the military industry, aerospace, iron and steel, petrochemical, power, pharmaceutical and other fields, it's an indispensable tool for rapid identification of materials in the industrial and military manufacturing fields accompanying the rise of the world economy.
Principle of chemical element analysis instrument.

The chemical analysis instrument is a XRF spectrum analysis technology, it can be used to identify the specific elements in the substance while quantifying them at the same time. It determines the elements by the emission wavelength (λ) and energy (E) of the X ray, and confirms the amount of elements by measuring the density of corresponding rays. In this way, XRF spectrum analysis technology determines the element composition of a substance.

Each atom has a fixed number of electrons (negative particles) running on the orbit around the nucleus, and the quantity of electrons is equivalent to the number of protons (positive particles) in the nucleus. We can know the number of protons from the number of atoms in the periodic table. Each atom number corresponds to a fixed element name, for example, ferrum, its masurium is Fe and the atomic number is 26. The energy dispersive X fluorescence and wavelength dispersive X fluorescence spectral analysis technique is particularly used to study and applied in the running conditions of the three electron orbits at the most inner layer, namely the orbit K, L and M. Among, the orbit K is most close to the nucleon. Each electron orbit corresponds to a specific energy layer of an element.

In the XRF analysis, the high energy primary ray photons emitted from the X light emitting tube will collide with the sample elements, and these primary photons contain enough energy to derail electrons in the innermost layer, namely the K layer or the L layer. At this time, the atoms become unstable ions. As the electronic will seek stability instinctively, electrons in the outer L layer or M layer will enter to make up the space of inner layer. These electrons release energy when entering the inner layer from the outer layer, and we call it secondary X ray photon, and name the entire process as fluorescent radiation. Secondary ray of each element has unique characteristics. And the energy generated by X-ray photon fluorescence is determined by the energy difference between the inner layer and the outer layer during the electron transformation. For example, the Kα energy of Fe atom is about 6.4 Kev. The quantity or density of X rays emitted by a specific element within a certain period of time can be used to measure the quantity of such element. The typical XRF energy distribution spectrum shows the distribution of photon density at different energies.

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