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Stepper Motor Price List

Stepper motor is an actuator that transforms the digital pulse signal into angular displacement. Namely, when stepper drive receives a pulse signal, it drives the stepper motor to rotate at a fixed angle (i.e. step angle) in the set direction. Stepper motor is a main executive component in the modern digital control system, and has a very wide range of applications because of the following advantages:

  • Precise position control, as confirm the shaft rotation angle in accordance with the number of input pulses.
  • Wide speed range, because the speed is proportional to the pulse frequency.
  • Excellent starting and stopping as well as reverse response.
  • Able to synchronously rotate at an extremely low speed just directly connecting the load to the motor shaft.
  • Long service life. Unlike DC motors, stepper motors don’t need to adjust phase position by the brush and commutator, thus reducing the friction and increasing the service life.

ATO offers a large number of high-quality stepper motor in different frame sizes for your selection, including Nema 17, Nema 23, Nema 24, Nema 34, Nema 42 stepper motors, micro stepper motors and linear stepper motors. The specific prices of ATO stepper motors are listed as below for your reference. Please kindly note that just part of ATO stepper motors are shown in the table below, not the all. For more information, please check the product page of stepper motors.

ATO stepper motor price list

Nema 17 stepper motor
Items SKU Price Holding Torque
Nema 17 Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 0.8A, 0.16N·m ATO-STEP-17X080 $59.39 0.16N·m
Nema 17 Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 1.5A, 0.28N·m ATO-STEP-17X150 $62.82 0.28N·m
Nema 17 Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 1.5A, 0.4N·m ATO-STEP-17M150 $67.19 0.4N·m
Nema 17 Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 1.8A, 0.5N·m ATO-STEP-17L180 $68.99 0.5N·m
Nema 17 Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 2A, 0.65N·m ATO-STEP-17C200 $73.98 0.65N·m
Nema 17 Closed Loop Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 2A, 0.4N·m ATO-STEP-17CM200 $82.89 0.4N·m
Nema 17 Closed Loop Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 2A, 0.5N·m ATO-STEP-17CL200 $85.99 0.5N·m
Nema 17 Closed Loop Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 2A, 0.72N·m ATO-STEP-17CC200 $95.39 0.72N·m
Nema 17 Stepper motor, 4V 0.95A, 1.8 degree, 2 phase 6 wires ATO33-0956A $64.92 22oz-in/1.58kg-cm
Nema 17 Stepper motor, 12V 0.4A, 1.8 degree, 2 phase 6 wires ATO39-0406A $65.85 36oz-in/2.59kg-cm
Nema 17 Stepper motor for 3D Printer, 12V 0.4A, 2 phase 6 wires ATO47-0406A $66.46 44oz-in/3.17kg-cm
2 phase bipolar Nema 17 Stepper motor, 2.8V 1.68A, 4 wires ATO47-1684A $66.46 62oz-in/4.4kg-cm
Nema 17 2 phase Stepper motor, 3.5V 2.5A, 1.8 degree, 4 wires ATO60-2504A $68.00 85oz-in/6.5kg-cm
Nema 23 stepper motor
Items SKU Price Holding Torque
Nema 23 Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 2.5A, 0.4N·m ATO-STEP-23S250 $73.49 0.4N·m
Nema 23 Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 3.5A, 2.2N·m ATO-STEP-23C350 $100.99 2.2N·m
Nema 23 Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 3A, 1.5N·m ATO-STEP-23L300 $97.89 1.5N·m
Nema 23 Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 3A, 1N·m ATO-STEP-23M300 $78.19 1N·m
Nema 23 Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 4.2A, 3N·m ATO-STEP-23D420 $127.99 3N·m
Nema 23 Stepper Motor, 3 Phase, 5.3A, 0.9N·m ATO-STEP-23M530 $85.95 0.9N·m
Nema 23 Stepper Motor, 3 Phase, 5.8A, 1.5N·m ATO-STEP-23L580 $94.69 1.5N·m
Nema 23 Stepper Motor, 3 Phase, 5.8A, 2.5N·m ATO-STEP-23C580 $120.95 2.5N·m
Nema 23 Closed Loop Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 4.2A, 1.2N·m ATO-STEP-23M420 $116.56 1.2N·m
Nema 23 Closed Loop Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 5.2A, 2.2N·m ATO-STEP-23C520 $135.36 2.2N·m
Nema 23 Closed Loop Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 5.2A, 3N·m ATO-STEP-23D520 $152.97 3N·m
Nema 23 Stepper motor, 1A, 1.8 degree, 2 phase 4 wires ATO241-1004A $68.31 0.9Nm
Nema 23 Bipolar Stepper Motor, 3A, 1.8 degree, 4 wires ATO246-3004A $68.31 1.2Nm
6-wire Nema 23 Stepper Motor, 2 phase, 3A, 1.8 degree ATO251-2004A $70.46 0.72Nm
Nema 23 2-phase Stepper Motor, 2A, 1.8 degree, 6 wires ATO255-2004A $70.46 1.35Nm
Nema 23 Stepper Motor Bipolar, 1.8 degree, 3A, 2 phase 4 wires ATO262-3004A $74.15 1.5Nm
Nema 23 Stepper Motor, 2.8A, 1.8 degree, 2 phase 4 wires ATO280-4004A $78.92 1.26Nm
High Torque Nema 23 Stepper Motor, 4A, 1.8 degree, 2 phase 4 wires ATO2100-4004A $93.08 1.26Nm
Nema 23 2-phase Stepper Motor, 5A, 1.8 degree, 4 wires ATO2115-5004A $96.15 2.2Nm
Nema 24 stepper motor
Items SKU Price Holding Torque
Nema 24 Stepper Motor, 2A, 1.8 degree, 2 phase 4 wires ATO288-2004A $84.62 2.5Nm
Nema 24 Stepper Motor, 3A, 1.8 degree, 2 phase 4 wires ATO288-3004A $84.62 2.5Nm
Nema 24 Stepper Motor, 4A, 1.8 degree, 2 phase 4 wires ATO288-4004A $84.62 2.5Nm
Nema 34 stepper motor
Items SKU Price Holding Torque
Nema 34 Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 3.5A, 4.5N·m ATO-STEP-34S350 $139.69 4.5N·m
Nema 34 Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 4A, 6N·m ATO-STEP-34M400 $154.69 6N·m
Nema 34 Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 4A, 8.5N·m ATO-STEP-34L400 $183.13 8.5N·m
Nema 34 Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 5A, 12N·m ATO-STEP-34C500 $220.94 12N·m
Nema 34 Stepper Motor, 3 Phase, 2A, 4N·m ATO-STEP-34M200 $179.84 4N·m
Nema 34 Stepper motor, 3 Phase, 3.2A, 8.5N·m ATO-STEP-34C320 $249.84 8.5N·m
Nema 34 Stepper Motor, 3 Phase, 3A, 6N·m ATO-STEP-34L300 $214.38 6N·m
Nema 34 Closed Loop Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 6.2A, 12N·m ATO-STEP-34CC620 $281.09 12N·m
Nema 34 Closed Loop Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 6.2A, 4.5N·m ATO-STEP-34CM620 $183.44 4.5N·m
Nema 34 Closed Loop Stepper Motor, 2 Phase, 6.2A, 8.2N·m ATO-STEP-34CL620 $218.13 8.2N·m
Nema 34 Stepper Motor, 1.8 degree, 3A, 2 phase 4 wires ATO260-3004A $112.31 2.8Nm
High Torque Nema 34 Stepper Motor, 6A, 1.8 degree, 4 wires ATO280-6004A $120.62 4.4Nm
Nema 34 Bipolar Stepper motor, 1.8 degree, 4 wires, 4.5A ATO2100-4504A $142.77 6.5Nm
CNC Nema 34 Stepper motor, 1.8 degree, 6A, 4 wires 2 phase ATO2120-6004A $156.77 8.4Nm
High torque Nema 34 Stepper motor, 8A, 1.8 degree, 4 wires ATO2160-8004A $195.38 12Nm
Nema 34 Stepper Motor, 3A, 1.2 degree, 3 phase 6 wires ATO3096-3006A $150.46 5.4Nm
Nema 34 3-phase Stepper Motor, 3.3A, 1.2 degree, 6 wires ATO3126-3306A $179.85 7.6Nm
Nema 42 stepper motor
Items SKU Price Holding Torque
Nema 42 Stepper motor, 4A, 1.8 degree, 2 phase 4 wires ATO2100-4004A $252.85 10Nm
Nema 42 Stepper motor, 4A, 1.2 degree, 3 phase 6 wires ATO3100-4006A $235.85 13Nm
Nema 42 Bipolar Stepper motor, 6A, 2 phase 4 wires ATO2150-6004A $308.31 20Nm
3 phase Nema 42 Stepper motor, 5A, 1.2 degree, 6 wires ATO3150-5006A $302.62 22Nm
High Torque Nema 42 Stepper motor, 6A, 1.2 degree, 3 phase ATO3200-6006A $410.00 28Nm
Micro stepper motor
Items SKU Price Rated Voltage
Nema 4 Micro Stepper Motor, 5V, 2 Phase, Bipolar ATO-MGSTEP-452 $34.15 5V
Nema 6 Micro Stepper Motor, 3V/ 5V, 2 Phase, Bipolar ATO-MGSTEP-6352 $35.69 3V/ 5V
Nema 8 Micro Stepper Motor, 12V/ 24V, 2 Phase, Bipolar ATO-MGSTEP-812242 $43.69 12V/ 24V
Nema 10 Micro Stepper Motor, 6V/ 24V, 15 Degree, Bipolar ATO-MGSTEP-10624 $49.85 6V/ 24V
Nema 14 Micro Stepper Motor, 12V, 4 Phase, Bipolar ATO-MGSTEP-14124 $57.37 12V
Nema 17 Micro Stepper Motor, 12V/ 24V, 7.5 Degree ATO-MGSTEP-171224 $62.15 12V/ 24V
Linear stepper motor
Items SKU Price Holding Torque
Nema 11 Stepper Motor Linear Actuator, 2 phase, 2.66V, 0.95A ATO-STEPL-266095 $166.08 6 Oz-in
Nema 11 Stepper Motor Linear Actuator, 2 phase, 3.8V, 0.67A ATO-STEPL-38067 $166.08 8.3 Oz-in
Nema 11 Stepper Motor Linear Actuator, 2 phase, 4.4V, 0.96A ATO-STEPL-44096 $166.08 12.5 Oz-in
Nema 11 Stepper Motor Linear Actuator, 2 phase, 6.2V, 0.67A ATO-STEPL-62067 $166.08 16.7 Oz-in
Nema 14 Stepper Motor Linear Actuator, 2 phase, 2.7V, 1A ATO-STEPL-271 $139.46 17 Oz-in
Nema 17 Stepper Motor Linear Actuator, 2 phase, 2.8V, 1.33A ATO-STEPL-28133 $132.23 30 Oz-in
Nema 17 Stepper Motor Linear Actuator, 2 phase, 2.8V, 1.68A ATO-STEPL-28168 $132.23 62 Oz-in
Nema 17 Stepper Motor Linear Actuator, 2 phase, 4V, 0.95A ATO-STEPL-4095 $132.23 22 Oz-in
Nema 17 Stepper Motor Linear Actuator, 2 phase, 4V, 1.2A ATO-STEPL-412 $132.23 36 Oz-in

 Note: The prices in the table are just for your reference. If you want to get the latest quotation, please contact us now.

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