A circuit breaker is an electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overcurrent/overload or short circuits. Its basic function is to interrupt current flow after protective relays detect a fault. The circuit breaker is an electrical safety device, a switch that automatically interrupts the current of an overloaded electric circuit, ground faults, or short circuits. Circuit breakers "trip", shut off, and current flow after protective relays detect a fault.
ATO.com offers four types of vacuum circuit breakers, molded case circuit breakers, miniature circuit breakers and DC circuit breakers:
A circuit breaker is a switching device that can close, carry and break current under normal circuit conditions and can close, carry and break current under abnormal circuit conditions within a specified time. Circuit breakers are divided into high-voltage circuit breakers and low-voltage circuit breakers according to their scope of use. The division of high and low voltage boundaries is relatively vague. Generally, those above 3kV are called high-voltage electrical appliances.
Circuit breakers can be used to distribute electric energy, start asynchronous motors infrequently, protect power lines and motors, and automatically cut off the circuit when they are severely overloaded, short-circuited, or under-voltage. Its function is equivalent to a fuse-type switch. Combination with overheating and underheating relays, etc. Moreover, there is generally no need to change parts after breaking the fault current.
After it breaks for fault, it can be reset manually, instead of changing the component, unless it needs to be repaired after cutting off the large short circuit current.
It has two segments of protective functions, i.e. the long-time delay release with inverse-time characteristics and instantaneous current release, which are used as overload and short-circuit protections respectively.
Many breakers have intelligent characteristics. Besides protection, they also have functions like electric quantity measurement, fault recording and communication interface to realize centralized monitoring and management of distribution devices and systems.
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