Ziemba wrote:Thanks again for all the help.
I only have two more questions (I promise):
The documentation states that the "Output speed is 60 pulses per revolution." I tried a couple of different methods, and I seem to see 120 pulses per revolution (from the RPM +/- output). Can you confirm if it's 60 or 120 pulses per revolution?
I am having trouble configuring our system to reliably read the RPM +/- output signal and convert it to RPM. Do you know what customers typically use to read/process this signal? We are using National Instruments hardware and software (LabVIEW).
For your two questions, here is the information:
The output speed should be 120 pulses per revolution, not 60 pulses per revolution.
Generally, customers can read the speed through RS485 or directly read the OC signal output by RPM +/-. As mentioned before, OC output refers to open collector output. When using OC output, it is necessary to add a pull-up resistor to the collector. The pull-up resistor can be selected between 1K-10KΩ. Generally, a 5.1KΩ resistor is selected as the pull-up resistor. Please refer to the user manual for more details on the speed output; see the link: