ATO wrote:You can send function code commands and readings using Modbus RTU, the sensor factory default is Modbus, the baud rate is 19200, the communication mode data bits are all 8, and there is no parity check. The check method used by this machine is CRC16.
03H command: can read the current speed value, torque value, and power value, etc.
05H command: can complete the reset and restore the factory operation.
10H command: can modify coefficient, filter, decimal point, etc.
Communication example: 01 is the machine code, crc0 is the low bit of the CRC check, and crc1 is the high bit of the CRC check. The verification code can be automatically calculated by using the Commix software, and most PLCs have their data verification function.
What function code command would I use for the rotary torque sensor to run a motor until a specific torque is read (1.7 Nm) and then reverse the rotation of the motor in the opposite direction?
Would I be able to read the coil from the rotary torque sensor and once the torque is read through Modbus function code 3 the direction of the motor reverses or would a different combination of Modbus function codes be more efficient? The PLC software I am using is CLICK.