The UV light intensity sensor measures 0-15mW/cm² in the 240-370nm range with ±10% accuracy at 365nm. It operates on 10-30V DC, supports 485 ModBus-RTU, and offers 4-20mA or 0-5V/0-10V outputs with a 0.2s response time.
Wiring Method
Tips: What benefits does the OLED display offer on this UV sensor?
The OLED display provides a clear and immediate visual output of UV intensity and UV index values, making it easy to read data in real-time without additional devices. Unlike traditional LCDs, OLED displays offer better contrast, are viewable from wider angles, and consume less power, making them efficient for long-term use. The display also enhances usability by allowing users to see accurate readings even in dimly lit environments, which is particularly beneficial for both indoor and outdoor monitoring applications.