Existing reviews of Proximity Sensor, Capacitive, M18, NPN
Do you have any suggestions to make it work?
I am attempting to sense when a tennis ball goes between the two photoelectric sensors. The sensors are about 8 inches apart. The sensors are being powered by 12VDC, the output cable goes to a voltage divider (which reduces the voltage from 12V to about 2.5 V) and then to an Arduino. Based on my calculations, the ball is between the sensors for about 7 ms, which is more than the 1 ms reaction time for the sensors. The sensors pick up slower moving objects. Would increasing the voltage make them more sensitive? Would a different material (other than a tennis ball) work better? Could I have accidently damaged the sensors, which reduced the reaction time? Do you have any suggestions to make it work?
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The voltage range of this photoelectric sensor is 6-36V, usually 12V or 24V. You can try increasing the voltage and see if you can detect it. If you still can't detect it, it means the tennis ball is moving too fast. The sensor is not affected by the detection of objects of different materials. If the object is black, it will be affected, because black will absorb light.
This sensor works perfectly on my 3D printer. Tied right into 6 volt supply. It works as it should and very consistent. It gave very accurate readings every time. Good product!
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